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Medical Aesthetices  >  Medical Grade Facials  >  3D Skin Toning Facial

  • 3D Skin Toning Facial

  • The new sweetheart of the aesthetic world

    The 3D Skin Toning Facial includes a thorough cleansing and exfoliation, followed by full face skin rejuvenation done using professional medical grade products in order to help the skin’s pigmentation, and give you a radiant look!


    • Non-Invasive
    • Painless
    • Safe and effective

    Good For:

    • Aging skin
    • Dry Lock-luster Skin
    • Uneven skin tone
    • Dark skin tone
    • Acne pore & Oily skin

    What it is

    The 3D Skin toning facial uses a Q-switched laser to make the skin look rejuvenated & youthful, almost instantly followed by the application of advanced Skin Toning serum. The laser targets specific skin problems other than only pigmentation and skin tone, such as fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores.

    How it works

    The energy from the Q-Switch laser gets absorbed by the pigment, and into the skin. These pigments break down into smaller fragments, and are cleared by the body and skin, resulting in clearer, smoother skin.

    What to expect from it

    • Reduced acne scars
    • Less outbreaks in future
    • Better oil control
    • Fairer and brighter skin

    Is Laser treatment painful?

    Laser treatments are not painful, however, the level of discomfort felt depends on your pain threshold. It feels like tiny hot dots on the skin. Some people feel little to no pain, and some people prefer a numbing agent to help them avoid feeling any kind of pain.


    Procedure Time
    1 Hour
    Sensitivity Period
    24-48 Hours
    Visible Results
    From first session
    Rec. No. of Sessions

    Not sure which treatment
    to choose?

    To book a consultation, please contact us by clicking the button below and a representative will reach out to you directly.