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3D brings an exciting promo of BOTOX in just $299!

40 Units of Botox for only $299

Worth ($560)

Botox Areas inlcudes:

Frown Lines (Glabellar Muscle)

Forehead Lines (Frontalis Muscle)

Crow’s Feet (Wrinkles around the Eyes)

Fox Eye

Jawline (Masseter Muscle)

Orange Peel (Dimpled Chin)

Lip Flip & Smoker Lines

Turkey Neck (Platysmal Bands)

Neck Wrinkles (Necklace Line)

Botox Benefits:

Youthful, Well Rested Skin


Quick Result

Visibility Of Result

When injected properly, the results can be seen right after the first treatment however botox takes approximately 2-4 days and the effects of it last up to at least 3 months.

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